Want to experience an instant explosion of mental power? Mind-mapping may be the most important concept of our time for anyone wishing to use his or her brain to its full potential. British author and psychologist Tony Buzan developed the mind-map over many years as a tool for planning and structuring thought on all levels, as a basis for using and improving memory, concentration, and creativity. The radiating structure of the mind-map reflects the natural architecture of the human brain, inviting rapid expansion and exploration of any idea in note form. Relevant to absolutely everyone, mind-mapping can help you analyse and recall information, study for exams, organize and structure projects, excel at written and oral presentations, problem-solve, evaluate options, keep a journal, plan a weekend … or a whole career!
Workshop participants will explore:
* What is mind-mapping? How does it differ from brainstorming?
* What are the benefits of mind-mapping over traditional ways of organizing data?
* How do I start? Exercises and practice to help strengthen and tone associative abilities.
* Types of mind-maps: decision-making, note-taking (organizing other people’s ideas), note-making (organizing your own ideas), creative thinking.
* Mind-mapping laws … bearing in mind that these laws are intended to increase, rather than restrict, mental freedom!
Warning: this mind-mapping workshop has the power to rock your world and give you the freedom to roam the infinite expanses of your brain!
Contact Pat Beaven (416) 230-9432 or patbeaven@live.ca
"An amazing mind-mapping workshop for the CGS Staff today. Thanks Pat Beaven for opening our minds to such a great concept." - Director/Principal, Children's Garden School
"I recommend this workshop to everyone!! Will be using this new concept often - inside and outside the classroom." - Sara A., Teacher